Your safety and the safety of others is important to us, and Wings and Waves Waterpark encourages guests to be active safety partners. There are inherent risks in participating in any amusement attraction. If you choose to participate, you accept these risks. Please observe and follow all safety guidelines posted at each attraction.
Many rides at Wings and Waves Waterpark are dynamic, thrilling and may include features such as high speeds, steep drops, sharp turns and other forces. Guests who have had previous surgery, high blood pressure, heart conditions, previous head, neck or back injuries or who are pregnant should not participate on any of the slides.
Guests with open sores, colds, diarrhea or other infections should enjoy the park when those conditions resolve. Guests who are visibly altered or under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be denied entry to the park.
Personal flotation devices must be Coast Guard certified and are subject to lifeguard approval. Wings and Waves Waterpark provides Coast Guard certified lifejackets for guest use at no charge. Lifejackets are sized for infants, toddlers, children and adults and are located at the wave pool entrance. Outside rafts, floats, water wings or other non-Coast Guard approved flotation devices are not permitted.
Wings and Waves Waterpark strives to maintain a friendly, fun environment for all guests. Guests using verbally abusive language with staff or other guests, or who engage in reckless behavior and refuse to comply with park rules or staff instructions, will be asked to leave the park immediately. There will be no refunds.
Items such as glass, plastic that can shatter, cigarettes and other tobacco products, vape pens, food or pets may not enter the park. Every effort will be made to locate pet owners who bring pets and leave them locked in their cars during their session. In the event the park is unable to locate the pet owner, McMinnville PD will be notified. Please see ADA guidelines for service animals.
1. Obey all instructions given by park attendants and operators.
2. Read and obey all posted signs.
3. No running or rough play.
4. No glass, plastic that can shatter, cigarettes or food may be brought into the park.
5. No person under the influence of alcohol may enter the park.
6. Immuno-compromised persons should use caution when using a public pool.
7. Pregnant women and persons with heart conditions or back trouble should not ride slides.
8. No animals are allowed in the pool area.

Wings and Waves Waterpark meets all ADA guidelines. The wave pool area is wheelchair accessible. The leisure pool is accessible via a mechanical hoist. Waterslide access requires guests to utilize stairs. Waterpark wheelchairs are for emergency use only. An elevator is located on the west side of the park for mezzanine and café access. All bathrooms and locker rooms are wheelchair accessible. All waterpark environments are wet; use caution around areas when walking through the park. Certified lifeguards are always on duty and US Coast Guard approved life jackets are available for guest use. Life jackets are located at the wave pool entrance.
Service animals are welcome but may not enter any body of water. Emotional support or comfort animals do not qualify as service animals. Waterpark staff may ask the following questions regarding the service animal:
Is this service animal required because of a disability?
What work or task has the service animal been trained to perform?